
nope alien plush



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" Don't look, don't look!
~ Em trying avoid eye contact with the UFO.
" What if it's not a send?
~ OJ foreshadowing the true form of the UFO.

The UFO, besides known every bit Jean Jacket, (Scientific proper noun: Occulonimbus edoequus ) is the main antagonist of the 2022 science fiction western horror film Nope. Different traditional depictions of a spacecraft piloted by extraterrestrial beings, this UFO is a massive airborne animal adorned with tough, calibration-like plating.

In its natural grade, the conflicting resembles a big jellyfish with a foursquare-shaped singular centre that is safeguarded past hundreds of protective dark-green eyelashes. These lashes sway and undulate in a pattern that lures in unsuspecting wildlife and humans to gaze at Jean Jacket. Instead of employing conventional predatory methods similar biting, the UFO'due south mouth extends to engulf its ensnared prey whole, then employs its arms to transform into a conventional UFO.


Otis Haywood Jr dubs the creature "Jean Jacket" later a family equus caballus that refused to be trained and remained wild.

Kelsi Rutledge, a graduate pupil at the University of California, came up with the scientific name Occulonimbus edoequus, after studying marine creatures such as jellyfish, cuttlefish, octopus and manta rays.


Prior life

While the UFO is idea to be an extraterrestrial beingness, its origins are shrouded in mystery. It is not clear if it is a alone being or a member of an entire species. In either case, information technology (or its species) may be what humans have been calling "flying saucers" and mistaking for spaceships in their imagination.

It first makes its presence known over a equus caballus ranch belonging to the Haywood family unit, which it chooses as its territory, stationing itself in one spot over a colina with a cloud obscuring it. Later on eating some unidentified human hikers, the UFO regurgitates the inorganic remains, such equally keys and coins, straight over the ranch. The materials are shot out at bullet-like speed, with a coin piercing the caput of Otis Haywood Sr., who afterwards dies at a hospital. A key is left lodged deep in the hide of his horse.


OJ and Emerald go aware of the UFO through its furnishings on their ranch and endeavor to take video evidence of the craft. They enlist the assistance of electrician Angel Torres and cinematographer Antlers Holst and first identify a statue of a horse every bit bait for the spacecraft only for it to be tossed back because it is boxy.

Somehow during that time, Ricky "Jupe" Park, a former child star and owner of the Jupiter'south Claim amusement park, witnesses the conflicting craft and decides to make a spectacle out of it as a method of reclaiming some relevancy in the modernistic world. Unfortunately for him, the UFO arrives and consumes him and the entire audience inside where they all suffocate and after get slowly digested in its "tummy".

The UFO later on appears above the farmhouse and drop tons of blood along with debris over the house, marking its territory earlier leaves the farmhouse.

Working together to create a trap for the monster, OJ offers himself as bait for the extraterrestrial anomaly while Angel and Antlers practice the recording. Using sky dancers and loud music as lures, the UFO arrives and attempts to claim OJ. Antlers, obsessed with getting the perfect shot despite the take a chance, goes to have a closer picture which leads to him being eaten. Angel is nearly devoured as well, but he escapes his fate through the use of barbed wire and a tarp wrapped around his body.

Enraged that it's casualty got away, the UFO slowly morphs into a horrifying jellyfish-like caped beast, which is revealed to exist its true course. OJ tries to lure the UFO away from his sister to requite her enough time to escape via a (at present-expressionless) TMZ reporter's motorbike. The UFO, catching on, begins to chase Emerald to Jupiter'south Claim, where she goes to the Wishing Well to take a picture of Jean Jacket via coins of the dead park-goers scattered in the basis. Thinking rapidly, Emerald unhooks a big airship version of Jupe which floats upward to distract the UFO.

The UFO takes the bait and eats the balloon whole, unaware information technology was an inanimate object instead of living casualty. Emerald and then takes this chance and snaps a clear shot of Jean via the camera inside the well.

Jean turns dorsum into its hunting grade, and tries to fit the balloon inside of its digestive pouch inside its oral fissure. However, the balloon cannot fit within of the beast, and it explodes within of Jean'south intestines, causing the eldritch being to be blown into tiny pieces, plainly killing it.

Afterward, OJ and Em presumably tell the public the events of the UFO incident, due to being able to get a picture of it, finally able to get proof of the UFO's existence.

Appearance and specifications

In most of the flick, Jean Jacket takes the appearance of a typical UFO saucer shape that is grey in color. Notwithstanding major differences include the fact its shape is not a perfect circumvolve, but an eccentric truncated oval shape (similar to a apartment tire or a grayness cowboy chapeau). On the underside or "bottom" is a large hole, where Jupe describes (in a scene where he is presenting his "Star Lasso Feel") that the hole is two school bus lengths in bore. A typical American school bus is approximately 14 metres long; therefore its bore is roughly 28 metres.

The Jean Jacket UFO is roughly 110 metres in diameter, and xx metres thick at its widest point.

Its outer skin has a cloth-material like texture, and at the front end is a tiny slit-similar recess which might be the UFO's forepart eye. The hole on its bottom likewise has some other eye used to observe prey.

In the climax, the conflicting unfolds itself into a more massive class as a threat display which looks similar to a jellyfish or a Biblical angel.

Abilities and behavior

Jean Jacket is able to hide itself within clouds, move them, and cause them to precipitate (cascade rain and other fabric). Alternatively, information technology may be that it assumes the form of clouds instead of entering them, or somehow creates moist fog from its outer peel like a cloak. In either example, it is capable of moving very apace through the air, and tin travel faster than the speed of sound (noted by the repeated sonic booms).

It behaves similarly to a predator, feeding on living beings that expect into it. It has limited intelligence, and information technology can be subjected to luring and "taming".

When Jean Jacket is nearby (within 400 metres), all electricity stops working. It is non known if it has whatever control or knowledge of this consequence. Speculation by fans indicate that Jean Jacket uses a powerful and invisible electromagnetic pulse field that obscures electron flow, which is also responsible for its ability to levitate and movement effectually freely.

Jean Jacket hunts by the use of its power to form tornadoes from its bottom pigsty, that sucks upward any fauna or person that looks straight at information technology (the visibility of eyes in its direct view are perceived as an instant dinner). The UFO still cannot distinguish the difference between eyes of actual living casualty and the ones on printed/drawn inanimate objects, near notably the false equus caballus, the cowboy balloon at Jupiter's Claim, and the tube homo flags.


How Jean Jacket eats casualty is subject to debate. However, it is proven that after sucking people or horses into its pigsty mouth, they enter claustrophobic intestine-like organs of the creature, which too glow in an eerie orange/pink color. Victims scream in terror equally the muscles squeeze tightly, crushing the victims as they suffocate and wretch due to the lack of oxygen and digestive acids. Jean Jacket may also kill its prey instantly as shortly as the unfortunate gets sucked in its hole mouth, past instantly crushing the prey using its powerful 'abdominal' muscles into a mass of blood and mankind pulp, before digesting it. Any metal and inorganic matter gets regurgitated out at high velocity downwards.

List of victims

  • At to the lowest degree 11 horses
  • Missing hikers (unknown number)
  • Otis Haywood Sr. (inadvertently)
  • Ricky "Jupe" Park and his family
  • Mary Jo Elliot
  • Over 40 visitors and staff members at the Star Lasso Experience
  • TMZ reporter
  • Antlers Holst


  • Before the release of the film, the UFO was predictably thought to be a spaceship operated by aliens.
  • Many people thought that the name of the moving picture was an acronym for Not Of Planet Earth. Manager Jordan Peele confirmed in an interview that this was false.
  • Jordan Peele stated the design for Jean Jacket is based on the Angel Sahaquiel from the anime remake of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  • It is suggested that the U.s.a. government knew of the UFO'southward existence prior to the movie due the entire valley existence blurred out on Google Maps and how any and all deaths are reported as accidents (Otis'south death was reported as a coin falling out of a plane and the missing people of Star Lasso were reported to all be done away by a flash flood). However, this is ambiguous, and these could be explained past Jean Jacket itself causing visual disturbances on sattellite images and the government only guessing the cause of the strange deaths every bit all-time they tin.
  • It is theorized that Jean Jacket'southward true form is based on the pattern of the Seraphim and Ophanim from the volume of Ezekiel of the Bible, which is, in a certain way, the reason Jean Jacket was an baggy being.
  • It is possible that the UFO is a symbol for people'southward desire to motion-picture show and commoditize everything without considering the risks. It was established with Gordy and Lucky that Hollywood tends to not care for animals (or humans) with respect and constantly wants to use anything and everything for entertainment. Because Jupe did non acquire from his feel with Gordy, he did not respect the boundaries of the UFO and used it for his attraction, which leads to him suffering the consequences.
  • The UFO takes the grade of a giant balloon that unravels and folds itself between its true form and hunting form. Balloons are of symbolic importance throughout the movie.
  • According to Nope VFX supervisor Guillaume Rocheron, Jean Jacket's homeworld is an World-like planet where they can "ride the wind and air currents skillfully."
    • While this explains why the conflicting shows little to no agin reactions when breathing Earth's atmosphere and devouring the animals that brand up its biosphere, the question on how this animal managed to find its way from its native habitation onto Earth without suffocating from the lack of oxygen in infinite nonetheless remains upwardly for fence and speculation.
  • The way Jean Jacket unfolds from hunting form to true form may be based off of the real life vampire squid.



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